*** Graphis New Talent 2023 Silver ***

*** Young Ones ADC 2023 Shortlist ***

*** 2023 Atlanta ADDYs Judge's Pick ***

Gigantic brewing

Craft beers, aside from face-curdling hoppiness, are known primarily for one other trait: inventive labels. These labels, in fact, are so striking and so unique that it can feel reminiscent of the early, sparks-on-the-trail days of design: days that we thought were worth paying homage to…

We created a limited edition 6-pack of craft beers with each one focusing on

a specific designer that impacted the creative world.

Partnering with a Portland, Oregon brewery, Gigantic Brewing aims to create some of the best craft beers

out there.

Piet Mondrian

Keith haring

massimo vignelli

Paul rand

Saul bass

Roy Lichtenstein

AD: Mason Joiner

CW: Matt Genise

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