Delta Airlines

Traveling to new places exposes people to different cultures and a whole new world. We invite you to experience the unseen beauty in places you have never imagined.

This campaign was created in an effort to get people to experience the hidden

gems around the world that are not your typical tourist attractions.

We created OOH posters that show

the hidden gems that are found in

each country.

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Using vintage travel posters

as inspiration, we created

our own to be showcased

on social media.

In order to prompt people to experience more from their destination, we created QR stickers that will be placed on the back of the airline's tray tables.

When scanned, the QR code will take people to a microsite where they can then choose their destination and see what is offered. From dining and entertainment to your typical tourist sights and hidden gems, the microsite provides suggestions of places to go while visiting your destination.

AD: Mason Joiner

CW: Jennifer Richard

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